Player information:
- Age & Location:
31, Rockford Illinois
- Number of Testicles:
Two last I checked
- Do you use a blizzard authenticator? If not, why?
Yes I do
- How long have you played WoW:
I played from Vanilla straight through to Uldir in WotLK. I then started playing again in WoD and have been raiding since then.
- Endgame experience (What bosses have you killed):
Current expansion prog I have CE and was in Famed Slayer guilds for both Ghuun and Jaina. I have Restless Cabal prog up to crown.
- Prior guild(s) & your reasons for leaving:
I raided Uldir and through Stormwall with <Dinner Time> Stormrage up until they disbanded due to roster issues. I raided with <Intern Made This Boss> to finish out the tier, and am currently raiding with <Trap Run> Stormrage on my warrior and occasionally doing cross server BoD on my Monk with random weekend guilds. Don't get hung up on the Alliance thing though, Lok'tar Ogar till I die. I just keep letting my friend convince me to go Alliance with him but he finally burned that bridge by quitting again.
Character Information:
- Name & Class:
Drinksbrews-Illidan and Dbjunior-Stormrage
- Link to Armory:
Monk - ... rinksbrews
Warrior - ... e/dbjunior
- Main-spec, off-spec, and how often do you play your off-spec?
I main-spec both Brewmaster and Protection for my monk and warrior respectively. I am a very competent Windwalker on fights that require Blood DK's, etc. I don't DPS on my warrior at all, but could learn quickly if necessary.
- Explain your normal rotation and spell/ability priorities:
On the monk maintaining 100% uptime on ISB is all but guaranteed, so the "rotation" is pretty much just a priority list of BoS > Keg Smash > BoF > TP. Always purify as close to immediately as possible after large hits come in to maximize efficiency, and/or if brews could cap.
On the warrior its a lot more spammy, priority list is tclap > shield slam > revenge (if free, or if about to rage cap) > devastate. The big advantage to playing warrior right now is the damage is incredibly predictable as far as knowing when you won't have any personals to use for incoming damage. This makes calling for externals very easy and consistent on a pull to pull basis.
- Explain your choice of gear for main & offspecs (include stat priorities and breakpoints):
Monks love vers and crit, and are ok with mastery. Haste is to be avoided as much as possible.
When it comes to Windwalker 100% honesty I just run a simc every time and trust it blindly since I don't play it often...
Warriors love haste and mastery, with vers not being far behind at all. Crit is a m+ stat and not super helpful in raids.
- Where do you do most of your research & testing to improve your character?
I get most of my information from class discords, as well as occasionally checking logs of top parsing players and seeing where they choose to sacrifice survivability for damage and vice versa.
- Why should we accept you over anyone else of your class/spec?
I come in fully raid ready on two tanks who are both 9/9 mythic. I have history raiding at the top 100 world and top 30 US levels and will be a consistent, stable addition to the raid.
Other Information:
- A Screenshot of your character's UI in a raid:
Monk -
Warrior -
- Logs from warcraftlogs:
Monk -
Warrior -
- What kind of computer do you use? CPU/Memory/Video Card? Typical FPS during mythic raid?
Intel i5-4690K 3.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
I get 90 FPS during raid combat on a slider bar 7 setting.
- Why Simple Math? How did you find us? Is there anyone you know in Simple Math?
I chose you guys because starting in August I will no longer be able to raid Monday through Thursday. I'm trying to find a really solid weekend guild to join that will still meet (or approach) the levels of progression I'm accustomed to.
- Run a speed test and ping test targeting New York. Link the results below.
- Finally, we ask that you draw a picture using MS Paint (Windows) or Paintbrush (macOS)
oooh, fun....