Player information: Adrian
- Age & Location: 22/Texas
- Number of Testicles: 2
- Do you use a blizzard authenticator? If not, why? Yes
- How long have you played WoW: Since I was 7 on and off
- Endgame experience (What bosses have you killed): Current tier Up to stormwall, cutting edge in uldir, before that I pugged a bunch of herioc raids
- Prior guild(s) & your reasons for leaving: Not willing to prog on jaina
Character Information: Whitrogue-Mal'ganis Thotgoblin-Mal'ganis
- Name & Class: Rogue, Shaman
- Link to Armory: ... /Whitrogue ... thotgoblin
- Main-spec, off-spec, and how often do you play your off-spec? Assassin, outlaw play outlaw in keys assassin in raids, Elemental play a bit of enhance when bored and may heal a key here or there
- Explain your normal rotation and spell/ability priorities: Assassin Rogue: Garrote mutilate rupture vendetta vanish toxic blade mut envenom mut envenom... reapply garrote around 4 seconds rupture reapply depends on combo points use tb on cd, Elemental: Stormkeeper 5 seconds before pull pot precast laveburst 2 seconds before pull immediately flameshock at end of cast summon fire elemental lighting bolt lavaburst lightning bolt earth shock, unless you get a lava burst proc then use the proc and earthshock lavaburst lighting bolt repeat until 50 mael then lavaburst earthshock repeat.
- Explain your choice of gear for main & offspecs (include stat priorities and breakpoints): Assassin rogue: Haste,Mastery,Chit,Vers in that order no real break point but crit and mast sim pretty close to one another. Elemental: Crit,Vers,Haste want to be balanced, mastery is a pretty dead stat. Outlaw: Vers Haste want between 15-20% crit then mastery is another dead stat for outlaw(crit vers haste mastery for aoe)
- Where do you do most of your research & testing to improve your character? I mainly read through the rogue discord. Elemental I just kind of learned while raiding with the weekday team I was on but I still look in the shaman discord from time to time
- Why should we accept you over anyone else of your class/spec? Because I am willing to show up prepared and ready to go every raid night. New bosses I will study and learn the fight watching videos reading guides ect in order to come ready to kill the boss. I learn quick during boss encounters make few mistakes mechanically after a couple of pulls. I am willing to be vocal while raiding.
Other Information:
- A Screenshot of your character's UI in a raid:
- Logs from warcraftlogs: ... ue#zone=21 ... in#zone=21
- What kind of computer do you use? CPU/Memory/Video Card? Typical FPS during mythic raid? Built my own. I have a gtx 1080 32 gb ram intel 7700k I cap it at 60 so 60
- Why Simple Math? How did you find us? Is there anyone you know in Simple Math? Saw you guys on wowprogress on the same server
- Run a speed test and ping test targeting New York. Link the results below. ping test was discontinued, part of speed test now
- Finally, we ask that you draw a picture using MS Paint (Windows) or Paintbrush (macOS).