60 lock app


60 lock app

Postby Xistencez » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:20 pm

Player information:
-Age: 22
-Location: Singapore
-Usual playtimes: 8 hours
-Do any others have access to your account: no
-How long have you played WoW: since beta
-Endgame experience: mc, zg, bwl, ony

Character Information:
-Name: Xistence
-Race: Undead
-Class: Warlock
-Level: 60
-Professions: tailor, enchanter
-Talent Spec, are you willing to respec?: Soul link
-Attunements: bwl, ony, mc
-Gear information, detailed: due to this character hav been left out sometimes, it wasnt decked out really, full dreadmist set, with mageblade
-Amount of FR: 85
-Current and Highest PvP Rank on this character: scout lmao
-Prior guild(s) on this server and the reasons for leaving: i m a xfer

Other Information:
-Alts on this server, and their name/level:
-Out of game contact information:
-Why Simple Math?: wanted to join a small and friendly enviroment, and looks like your guild is progressing quite well
-Who referred you?: none
-Anything else you feel we should know about you?: i pwn face :D

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